Strategic partnerships can bring together complementary strengths and deepen the impact of cross-disciplinary research. International research partnerships may involve collaboration with an individual or team of research overseas, with a view to, for example, providing access to particular technique, samples or equipment’s, developing critical mass and competitive advantage, driving international collaboration on papers, accessing new sources of funding, promoting the work of the center internationally, or enabling impact through access to particular policy makers, international organizations or industry representatives in the region. Research partnerships may include mobility programmers to provide international opportunities for faculty and doctoral students.
Capacity building partnerships may involve, for example, staff training and development, access to facilities, networks or expertise or research skills development, with the aim of enhancing global perspectives and supporting an institution in developing its own strengths and resources.

Evolving technologies can be harnessed in a better way through research collaboration extending across disciplines and organizational boundaries. Some of the fields for research collaboration are: Cloud computing, IOT, Big Data analytics, Block Chain Technology, Robotics and Automation, Cyber security, Machine learning Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Transport system, Logistics management system. Following are few areas of collaboration worth mentioning but not limited to.

  • Pursue collaboration on fundamental, academic research for innovation extending to patents and/or integrating both technology development and commercialization.
  • Co-host workshops and seminars focusing on technological Innovation and other related topics of mutual interest.
  • Explore the possibility of providing opportunities to faculty for joint research.
  • Facilitate interaction and support for faculty members and research scholars.
  • Foster collaborative projects and consultation on matters of common interests, which are likely to further the collaborative efforts of each other.

Staff mobility provides an opportunity for staff to spend a short period in another institution (normally overseas) and share expertise with contemporaries in teaching, research or administration. Staff mobility can help to strengths stratagem relationships and have an important role in capacity building with partner institutions, as well as providing development opportunities for the individuals concerned.

  • Faculty member can assist in joint research/projects/consultancies.
  • Faculty member can pursue doctoral as well as post-doctoral fellowship program at partner institution with a co-supervisor appointed from the partner institution.
  • Staff can learn and perform research on latest technologies at partner institution.

Where students can spend time at a partner institution registered as a visiting or exchange student. This may include the opportunity to accrue credits international partner institutions with independent degree-awarding powers.

  • Researcher can pursue research at partner institution
  • PhD and PDF scholars can opt for co-supervisor from institution and perform research at partner institution.

Arrangements among two degree awarding bodies together provide a single jointly delivered course (or courses) leading to separate award (and separate certification) being granted by both, or all, of them.
Arrangements whereby students who have successfully completed a degree at another institutions or provider may be considered for admission to the beginning of a course at the University.