
Research & Development cell of the University conducts various research related events for exposure of faculty members and students on different research topics. It helps in developing a culture of research among faculty members and students. A colloquim series has also been started from November 2022, for the benefit of faculty members and research scholars.

List of events conducted by R&D cell.

No. Date(s) Event Details Report
1 29.06.2020 Webinar on Developing as a Doctoral Student or Post Doc by Seeking Mentorship in Our Changing Educational Landscape view
2 21.07.2020 Webinar on Learning Basics of Publishing in High Quality Journals view
3 31.07.2020 Webinar on Improving quality through research support services: role of digital Library view
4 18.08.2020 Webinar on How to Write a Quality Technical Paper with IEEE view
5 17.10.2020 Webinar on J-Gate@eSS: Effective utilization for finding Research Information view
6 19.06.2021 Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights view
7 26.06.2021 Workshop on Research Methodology view
8 23.07.2021 Workshop on Research Methodology (Research for Resurgence Anandshala) view
9 29.04.2022 Workshop on Awareness and Training on Intellectual Property view
10 13.05.2022 Workshop on Latex view
11 30.11.2022 Colloquium on Plane Waves in Micro Stretch Elastic Solid with Voids view
12 16.01.2023 Colloquium on Research Paper Writing and Publication view
13 08-09.02.2023 Seminar on Latex Software System view
14 15.03.2023 Colloquium on Tantrayukti: Ancient Indian method of Thesis Construction view
15 18.04.2023 Colloquium on Essential Aspects of Writing Research Papers for publishing in Journals view
16 25.04.2023 to 29.04.2023 FDP on Skills Re-engineering in Research and Studies view
17 17.10.2023 Colloquium on Approaches to International Scientific Cooperation view