Ph.D. Scholars

The Ph.D. Scholars of the University are engaged in various forms of research activity in different domains. Few of them are receiving scholarships by University or through Govt. schemes (JRF/SRF; AICTE Doctoral Fellowship).
Lists of Ph.D. scholars in various departments (registered / awarded) as on 31.08.2022.

List of Ph.D. Scholars

Department Ph.D. Scholars Enrolled Ph.D. Awarded Total
Computer Engineering 60 35 95
Electrical Engineering 12 4 16
Electronics Engineering 24 15 39
Mechanical Engineering 24 39 63
Management Studies 23 12 35
Physics 15 8 23
Mathematics 15 8 23
Chemistry 12 --- 12
EVS 11 --- 11
English 4 --- 4
Interdisciplinary 8 --- 8
Total 208 116 324
List of Ph.D. scholars admitted for pre-PhD coursework in session 2022-23