Research Awards

The University put up continuous efforts to foster research culture among faculty members and research scholars by giving recognition to their research work. Research Award policy has been framed for facilitating the faculty/students for outstanding research. Recognition of researchers help in motivating them to take up research work for human, societal and industrial benefits with enhancement in research quality.

The University at present has instituted three different awards/recognitions each cateroring to a different segment of researchers.

  • Research Publication Awards are given to researchers who publish their research papers in prestigious journals as per University Research Policy.
  • Research Seed Money Awards for research projects is given to motivate the young researchers of the University. Project proposals are invited from interested faculty members in collaboration with students every year.
  • Honour Awards for faculty members who have received any State/National/International Award. This award is given in recognition of achievement of faculty members in any research or teaching related field.
  • Research Recognition Awards received for research/innovations by the institution/ teachers/ research scholars/ students during the last five years.
  • Projects to departments who have received UGC-SAP, CAS, DST-FIST, DBT, ICSSR and other recognitions by national and international agencies.