1. Puri, V., Chakrabortty, P., Performance assessment of bamboo bond strength in cement–fly ash mortar, Structures and Buildings, (in-Press), ICE, UK (2022)

2. Puri, V., Kumar, S., Grover, K., & Sharma, M. (2022, July). Development of Eco-Friendly Bricks for Sustainable Construction. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1248, No. 1, p. 012109). IOP Publishing.

3. Khalaf, M. S., Ibrahim, A. M., Najm, H. M., Sabri, M. M. S., Morkhade, S., Agarwal, A., ... & Alarifi, I. M. (2022). Experimental Analysis of Steel Circular Hollow Section under Bending Loads: Comprehensive Study of Mechanical Performance. Materials15(12), 4350.

4. Ravish, S., Setia, B., & Deswal, S. (2022). Classification of groundwater using multivariate statistical methods: a case study from a part of Haryana, northwestern India. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 1-35.

5. Ravish, S., Khan., A., Kumari. A., & Singh. S., Reclamation of Wastewaters Using Microalgae and Microalgal Bioremediation Potential: A Review, In: International Conference: HYDRO-2022, P.E.C, CHANDIGARH  

6. Saggu, R. (2022). Temperature effects on pile–soil interface behaviour in the case of piles in sand. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering175(1), 62-74.

7.  Saggu, R. (2022). Cyclic pile-soil interaction effects on load-displacement behavior of thermal pile groups in sand. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering40(2), 647-661.

8. Saggu, R., Chakraborty, T., Roy, D., & Basu, D. (2022). Behavior of Saturated Soils at Elevated Temperatures: A Review. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 1-30.


1.  Puri, V. (2021). Bamboo as a Building Material for Climate Change Mitigation. In Bioenergy Engineering (pp. 269-277). CRC Press.

2. Kumar, S., Yadav, Y., & Puri, V., IOT Based Smart Parking Facility. In: Advances in Environmental Science & Engineering (pp.1-9). 

3. Piyush, & Morya., Y. Traffic Congestion and Possible Solutions: A Review. In: Advances in Environmental Science & Engineering (pp.29-33). 

4. Baghel, K., Gahlawat, M., Lakshay & Saggu, R.,  Problems Encountered in Highway Construction in Flood Prone Areas - A Review, In: Advances in Environmental Science & Engineering (pp.35-42). 


1. Sarma, K., & Saggu, R. (2020). Implications of thermal cyclic loading on pile group behavior. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering146(11), 04020114.

2. Kumar, S., Puri, V., & Aggarwal, M. L. (2020). Review of Sustainable Building Materials for Construction Industry. In: ICACCG 2020


  1. Satyam Kumar, Metro Rail Projects for the Growth of Infrastructure and Employment in the Area,TIPCE( Conference on Transportation Infastructure projects- Conception to Execution,Jan 7-10,2019, IIT Roorkee.
  2. Satyam Kumar, Mapping of Underground Water Flow from Satellite Images, IGWC(International  groung water conference), Oct.21-24,2019 ,IIT Roorkee.
  3. Ravi Goyal, Water Absorbing Road through Permeable Concrete,IGWC (International  groung water conference), Oct.21-24,2019 ,IIT Roorkee.
  4. Ritish Juyal, Rain Water Harvesting through Artificial  Grass , IGWC (International  groung water conference), Oct.21-24,2019 ,IIT Roorkee.
  5. Satyam Kumar, Green Building Materials and its Benefits, 8th International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology, JCBUST YMCA, Jan. 6-10,2019.
  6. Sandeep and M.L.Aggarwal , Finite Element Analysis of Plain Concrete subjected to Uniaxial and Biaxial monotonic Load, 8th International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology, JCBUST YMCA, Jan. 6-10,2019.


A. Award for Best Upcoming Engineering Department in University

B. 11 Students Qualified GATE 2022 

 C. Dr Vishal Puri, Best paper presentation award , International Conf. on Advances in computing,Communication and Green Technology, Ansal University, July 30-31, 2020

 D. Dr Rajni Saggu & Dr Vishal Puri - Best Paper (101CET07) /(107CET10) Award-National Conference :Advances in Civil and Environmental Sc.Jan.14-15,2021.

 E. First position and Cash award of Rs. 1500 in National Student Seminar: “Skill India Build India” 11.4.2019 : Satyam Kumar, Civil II Year student.

 F. Tushar Dalal ,II Year Civil student selected for R-Day Prade ,Jan.26,2021.

 G. Satyam Kumar ,Sachin Kumar- Best Paper (107CET10) Award-National Conference :Advances in Civil and Environmental Sc., Jan.14-15,2021 H. Kashish Baghel,Mohini Gahlawat,Lakshay- Best Paper (101CET07) Award-National Conference :Advances in Civil and Environmental Sc. Jan.14-15,2021