Chairperson's Message

This faculty integrates, perhaps, the most diverse and also the most creative profiles. There is an incessant engagement with fresh ideas and projects. We hold regular 'ideation' meetings that are 'innovation' driven. The faculty discussions herald an academic or creative quest, ultimately materializing as a media documentary, animate stories or premium textual content for our students. While the frontline is empowered, the projects are timed and the efforts synchronized.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof S.K. Tomar, had the foresight to realize the pertinence of this faculty to the university's appeal. Under his kind aegis, the faculty has been able to formalize courseware that utilizes the nascent strengths of the university to create content that is in consonance with front guard intellectual movements, interdisciplinary currents and new media.

After the undeniable invasion of new media, the influx of augmented reality, the world is poised to enter the era of Digital Humanities. A basic exposure to Data Analytics and Computational Tools shall prove to be a windfall gain for our graduates who will enter the current production- oriented world with matchless skills. While, the media and animation curricula expose the students to new tools and platforms of their trade, our literature programmes emphasize their critical skills and cultivate their research aptitude for these domains.

The immediate focus, shall be on capacity-building while considering the 'resource' limitations of a state university in perspective. I keep looking for solutions that could resolve technical or administrative issues that emerge out of our specific requirements- it is a pleasure leading this eclectic set of media-savvy teachers!

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