1.       B.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

{4 years undergraduate Program, students admitted through JEE Mains/AIEEE/HSCS counselling}


2.       B.Tech. (Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering)

      [B.Tech(EIC) nomenclature changed to Electronics Engineering in emerging area of IoT w.e.f. 2020]

{4 years undergraduate Program, students admitted through JEE Mains/AIEEE/HSCS counselling}


3.    B.Tech. (Electronics  & Computer Engineering)

{4 years undergraduate Program, students admitted through JEE Mains/AIEEE/HSCS counselling}





1.       M.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

{2 years’ post-graduate Program, students admitted through University counselling on the basis of relevant valid GATE score/Percentage in the qualifying examination}


2.       M.Tech. (VLSI Design)

{2 years’ post-graduate Program, students admitted through University counselling on the basis of relevant valid GATE score/Percentage in the qualifying examination}


3.       M.Tech. (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)

      [Till session 2019-20]

{2 years’ post-graduate Program, students admitted through University counselling on the basis of relevant valid GATE score/Percentage in the qualifying examination}



Ph.D. Program in the Electronics/Communication Engineering branch

{Part time/full-time basis, candidate admitted through Qualifying Test/ Valid GATE score and Interview/Presentation}.



(for detailed information regarding admission check admission menu on main HOME PAGE)




Welcome to the web pages of Department of Electronics Engineering , J.C. Bose University of Science  and Technology YMCA, Faridabad. It is an immense pleasure to greet prospective students, current students, alumni, and visitors.

We the faculty, staff, and students in the Electronics Engineering Department work as one family to fulfil the mission of Department. The faculty is committed to excellence in education and research and are proud of the outstanding students and staff who make this possible. At Department of Electronics Engineering we firmly believe that:


तत्कर्म यन्न बन्धाय सा विद्या या विमुक्तये।
आयासायापरं कर्म विद्यऽन्या शिल्पनैपुणम्॥


tat-karma yan-nabandhaaya
aayaasaayaaparam karma



 “That is (right) action which does not conduce to bondage; that is (true) knowledge which conduces to final liberation; (any) other knowledge implies mere skill in craft"

I cordially invite you to visit our department web pages for further details about the department, our academic programs, the faculty, and their research. If you have any questions about our department, please feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



 Dr. Pradeep Kumar

Chairperson (EE)




NO Dues Form

student corner





(student are encouraged to send/share their suggestions/idea/material on this page; mail relevant material to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The Department of Electronics Engineering is committed to impart technical education in the most efficient manner to its students. It was established in the year 2012 (earlier combined with the Electrical Engineering Department and known as EEE Department running since the inception of YMCAIE). The department has equipped itself with workshops/labs and syllabus for achieving engineering education excellence, from the support of excellent faculty of the Department, JCBUST, YMCA has established itself as a well-known entity in the field of Electronics education. The syllabus of the Department composed of the fundamental concepts blended with the ultra-modern topic to impart quality technical education, the lab/workshops consists of the basic instrument to software/simulators for providing the student a feel of the industrial work environment.

 Department of Electronics Engineering is running various UG, PG and Ph.D. programs.


To be a Centre of Excellence for producing high-quality engineers and scientists capable of providing sustainable solutions to complex problems and promoting cost-effective indigenous technology in the area of Electronics, Communication & Control Engineering for Industry, Research Organizations, Academia and all sections of society.


 • To frame a well-balanced curriculum with an emphasis on basic theoretical knowledge as well as the requirements of the industry.

• To motivate students to develop innovative solutions to the existing problems for the betterment of society.

• Collaboration with the industry, research establishments and other academic institutions to bolster the research and development activities.

• To provide infrastructure and financial support for the culmination of novel ideas into useful prototypes.

• To promote research in emerging and interdisciplinary areas and act as a facilitator for knowledge generation and dissemination through Research, Institute - Industry and Institute-Institute interaction.




·        Total no. of faculty: 26 (03 Professor + 02 Associate Prof. + 21 Assistant Prof.)

·        No. of PhD’s:     16

·        No. of M.Tech. :   10

·        Average Experience of faculty:     14 years 



·        Number of labs: 14

·        Lecture hall: 06

·        Departmental conference room: 01

      Internet connection:    Lease Line/ Wi-fi (centralize)