The four days’ workshop organized by IIT DELHI from 13th to 16th October 2018 was attended by 5 students of Electronics Engineering Dept. of J.C. BOSE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, YMCA Faridabad, on the subject of Machine Learning and Internet of things.

The Internet of Things (IoT, sometimes Internet of Everything) is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity to enable objects to exchange data over the cloud.

 The course content included the introduction to developmental board ARDUINO, Introduction to AI, Working with Fuzzy logic Algorithm, Problem Formulation, Defuzzification & Rule base, working with Fuzzy Logic ion Simulink. Introduction & Applications of ML, Mining & ML, Supervised Learning & Unsupervised Learning Introduction & Examples, Linear Regression & implementation, Introduction to Gradient Descent Algorithm, Linear Algebra, Neuron,  Network Architecture, Designing Neural Network Model, Model Representation Methods, Single Layer & Multilayer Neural Network Architecture, Training the Network, Backward Propagation Training, Using & Importing & Exporting Network, Importing & Exporting Training Data. Introduction to Dynamic Neural Network, Neural Network Blocks, Working with Genetic Algorithm, Implementing GA. And applications such as:- Case Study: Cancer Detection, Character Recognition,  Iris Clustering, Intelligent Washing Machine Design, 8 Queens Problem Slover.


The names of the students who enthusiastically attended the workshop are 

1.Nitin Kumar Bindal

2.Shagun Jain

3.Yashika Garg

4. Deepak Bhatia 

5. Wriddha Roy


With the vast knowledge so far equipped, and to create an analogy, these students organized a workshop in JC BOSE UST, which was attended by more than 50 students of the college; consequently, the agenda was succeeded. Students were taught the brief algorithm of AI and ML, and especially the developmental board ARDUINO, with all its components and microcontroller ATMEGA328p. Further projects using the same were discussed in the workshop. After successful completion of the workshop, students were capable to perform the various task, like How open platforms allow you to store your sensor data in the Cloud, The basic usage of the Arduino environment for creating your own embedded projects at low cost, How to connect your Arduino to a remote network, How to send data to the Internet and talk to the Cloud, How to update sensor readings on Twitter, Control House Lighting with your Smartphone. Some of the images of the completes events are