Department of Electronics Engineering organized an Industrial Visit for the students of ECE-6th semester to SCL, Mohali on March 26, 2019. The visit aimed at sensitizing the students about the various domains of VLSI design in India.

Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL), Mohali is a research institute of Department of Space, Government of India. It aims to include research and development in the field of semiconductor technology.

The students visited the various sections like the Fabrication Lab where they learned about how the chip is fabricated starting from a silicon wafer and undergoing various processes. They also visited the Assembling section where the chip is finally assembled to the form it is made available to customers. They also got an insight into the Testing section where the final stringent testing of the chip is done so as to make a complete product.

On the whole, the visit was quite beneficial for the students as they got practical exposure to the VLSI industry and also helped them enhance their technical skills.