MA English Programme

The Masters in English programme carries a perennial appeal and has been part of universities faculties the world over. Despite temporal flux, this particular programme has prospered and been embraced by universities across the globe. The particular course offered by the university has been designed to immerse the students still deeper into the treasure house of world literature sweeping across races, geographical areas, cultures and times. The courseware offers a vivacious spectrum of readings and literary works, blending the canonized with the marginalized. This Masters programme shall equip students to use the literary and critical skills learnt during the course for creative productions. At the same time, this programme has the unique dimension of being conscious of international corporate demands giving a sweeping exposure to the students, through a string of elective subjects, audit courses, and dissertations, to skills required in the work-a-day world of professionals.

MA(English) Lab Work and Integrated Basic Research for MA(English): Graphic Novel Writing/ Visual Arts in Europe/ Minor Projects/ Major Projects: Students are introduced to Research Methodology, Mendeley Data Base, Master Clarivate and Digital Humanities Tools like VOYANT Tool, MIT-SCRATCH platform for visual narratives and different online Storyboard apps. Like StoryBoardThat( Both, English faculty and Animation faculty teach GNW and VA in Europe.

Electives include:

Semester I: Popular Fiction/ Folk Tales, Fantasy and fables/ Fundamentals of Linguistics(Discipline Elective)

Semester II: Science Fiction/ Non-Fiction/ Law and Literature (DE)

Semester III: Modern World Poetry/ Literature and Gender(DE)

Semester IV: World Literature/ Postcolonial Criticism