2020-21 Webinar on Symbolic Models for Linguistic Decision Making

• Report on Webinar on Symbolic Models for Linguistic Decision Making A webinar on Symbolic Models for Linguistic Decision Making commenced successfully on June 11, 2020. This webinar had been organized by the Department of Mathematics, J. C. Bose University of Science & Technology, YMCA. As the title suggests, the objective of this particular webinar was to introduce different symbolical models for computing with words and linguistic decision making. This lecture certainly helped participants to learn about decision making theory via computational models. The webinar was presided by Prof. Dinesh Kumar, Honorable Vice Chancellor, J. C. Bose University of Science & Technology, YMCA, while all the faculty members of the Department of Mathematics were also present during the event. Prof. Dinesh Kumar formally welcomed Prof. Luis Martinez, the eminent speaker for the webinar from the Department of Computer Science, University of Jaen, Spain. He is Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Jaen. He co-edited 11 special issues and has been main researcher in 16 Research and development projects. He received twice the IEEE TFS Outstanding Paper Award 2008 and 2012. He is visiting professor in University of Technology (Sydney), University of Portsmouth (England), Wuhan University of Technology (China), Guest Professor in the SouthWest Jiotong University and Honourable professor in Xihua University both in Chengdu (China). Eventually, he has been appointed as Highly Cited Researcher 2017 and 2018 in Computer Science. His main current project is “Intelliegent Consessus Reaching Processes for Group Decision Making under uncertainty”. In his introduction, Prof. Luis Martinez mentioned this is his first ever experience for giving presentation in an Indian university. Prof. Martinez explained the pivotal role of fuzzy logic for computing with words and decision making. The outline of his talk was to describe computing with words and decision making, to define linguistic 2-tuple symbolic model, to explain “Hesistant Fuzzy Linguistic term sets” and “Elicit information”. He also talked about different linguistic variables, linguistic information in decision making, idea of complex linguistic terms, symbolic approaches, and different semantic situations in 2-tuple linguistic models. The discussion was concluded by pointing out the open area of research in the decision-making theory. Dr. Neetu Gupta gave a vote of thanks to Prof. Luis Martinez on behalf of the Department.