
UCC&DA observed Digi-Week 2021 under TEQIP-III during the 3rd week of March 2021. Digi-Week 2021: The Techno-Digital week was an online and offline hybrid series of events covering workshops, contests and coding competitions. Digi-week was organized from 17th march 2021 to 20 march 2021 for all students of university. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dinesh Kumar appreciated the efforts of organizers especially vibrant student coordinators to organize these kinds of events for students of the university. He applauded the initiative and suggested that such events should be organized regularly to bring out and showcase the hidden talent of students. The expert speakers of Digi-Week were felicitated by Hon’ble Vice-chancellor, Worthy registrar Dr. S. K. Garg, Dean FIC Prof. Komal Kumar Bhatia, Dean FLAMS Prof. Atul Mishra & Director UCC & DA Dr. Neelam Duhan. The Chess Tournament was the first event of Digi-week, which was held virtually on chess.com and 142 registrations were collected for this competition. On 18th March forenoon, a workshop on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” was conducted in the New Computer Centre of the University. Mr. Mohit Uniyal from Coding blocks was the expert speaker for the workshop and more than 100 students enthusiastically participated in the hands-on sessions during the workshop. The workshop ended with some coding questionnaire to test the knowledge of participants and winners were distributed goodies by coding blocks. Another workshop on concepts of “Internet of Things” was conducted on 18th March afternoon by Mr. Shubham Singla, student of Department of Electronics Engineering. Students were assisted with Arduino kits and a compiler to compile the C code required to run on Arduino. This workshop also gathered with a huge participation of over 75 students. Both the workshops were informative as well as an interactive. On 19th March an interesting workshop on the topic 'Think to Design: Designing and Video editing'. The Guest speakers for the workshop were from TGC Animation & Multimedia Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Ravish Pandey and Ms. Shikha along with two designers. The students were trained in designing and video editing tools, graphic editing tools and animation tools. The participants were given hands-on training during the workshop. More than 150 students were benefited from this workshop. On 20th March, a coding contest named “Concept of Code – X” was organized as part of Digi-week. The competition began at 9 pm and lasted till 11 pm, in which students participated in large numbers of more than 200 figure. The event was conducted online on Hacker Earth platform to ensure that the competition is carried out in a free and fair Manner. Winners of the events of Digi-Week 2021 are: Chess competition was won by Jatin, Chirag & Deepak Poonia as first, second and third winner respectively. Winners of Concept to Code-X are Nipun Jain (2nd year), Prateek Kumar (1st year) & Kshitiz Jaiswal (1st year). Digi-week observed six events in total with more than 1000 registrations from ten universities/colleges. Dr. Neelam Duhan commended the efforts of coordinators especially students of the cell for having shown their interests amid this pandemic and to come up with their talents on this platform. She appreciated the efforts of students under the guidance of faculty coordinators Dr. Deepika Punj, Dr. Rewa Sharma, Dr. Lalit Goyal, Dr. Arun and Ms. Alka Rawat for efficie ntly executing this Digi-week.