
The Techno-Digital fest “Digi-Fiesta: The Essence of Virtual World” was organized during 17-18 October 2020. Cell inaugurated the fest with full enthusiasm in the presence of Vice Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Kumar, Chief Guest and Director EMMRC Pune Dr. Sameer Sahasrabudhe, Digi-ambassador and Director DigiTech Services Sh. V. N. Jatwani, Registrar Dr. Sunil Kumar Garg, Deans-Chairpersons, faculty members and students cum participants. Dr. Sameer Sahasrabudhe, the Director of Educational Multimedia Research Center (EMMRC), Pune graced the occasion as the Chief Guest along with Sh. V. N. Jatwani, Director DigiTech Services Pvt. Ltd. as digi-ambassador. In his address, Dr. Sameer delivered inspiring words for the participants and motivated to work and think like Techno-Tantriks to move the nation towards digital discourse. He also talked about digital ethics to be followed while working on open-source code, software, hardware, text, images, audio and video. We all must work towards adoption of new thinking and approaches to digitally empower our nation, he added. Fest concluded with prize distribution ceremony on 18th Oct 2020 evening. The fest got overwhelming response from more than 10 states nation-wide with 96 participating institutions. More than 1500 entries in different competitions made this fest really meaningful, successful and had shown the energy, will and enthusiasm among the participants. The closing cum prize distribution ceremony was presided over by chief guest hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Kumar. Sh. V. N. Jatwani, Director DigiTech Services Pvt. Ltd. graced the occasion as guest of honor along with worthy registrar Dr. Sunil Kumar Garg, deans-chairpersons, faculty & student coordinators and participants. In the closing ceremony, faculty coordinator, Dr. Rewa Sharma, delivered the welcome address. Guest of honor Sh V.N Jatwani, a YMCAIE alumnus of 1982 electronics batch, delivered an expert talk and briefed about all the digitization efforts made by Government to benefit the common man of the country. He presented the detailed digital profile of India to acquaint the audience about various digital services available. He urged the students to come up with their skills to move the nation towards digitization. Dr. Neelam Duhan, Director, Digital Cell presented the closure report of the fest with detailed figures. She apprised that the fest got 272 participations in quiz competition, 170 in blog & article writing, 139 in practical algorithm game, 153 in logo making, 128 in photo manipulation, 144 in portfolio designing, 145 in poster making, 143 in webpage designing competition and approx 300 in Portfolio designing workshop cum competition. She further added that an online workshop “Work-Folio” on portfolio designing was also arranged for students during this fest and approximately 300 students attended the same followed by a portfolio designing competition. Mr. Rajat Jain, software developer from Microsoft was the workshop expert and trained the students in designing their own portfolios via web designing. She praised the students for having shown their interests amid this pandemic and to come up with their talents on this platform. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dinesh Kumar appreciated all the participants and congratulated the winners. He appreciated all the efforts done by the Digital Cell of the University including vibrant student coordinators and faculty coordinators and suggested that such events should be organized regularly to bring out and showcase the hidden talent of students. He also emphasized the importance of digital initiatives taken up by government for the masses. Ceremony ended with vote of thanks by faculty coordinator Dr Deepika Punj. The student coordinators Praveen, Mohit, Munish, Yogesh, Sahil, Monika, Radhika, Riya, Mandeep, Jyoti, Priyal, Paras Arora, Ritik, Rishabh, Satvik, Prajwal, Shreya, Parag, Ritesh and Yash deserve a huge round of applause for smooth management of the fest. These two days were quite thrilling, fun filled and full of learning for students. The University became the proud host of huge number of participants from various states. In Blog Writing Competition, Ms. Navneet won the first prize, second prize was bagged by Mr. Kavyansh and Ms. Anjali got the third prize. In Article Writing Competition, Mr. Kunal, Ms. Srishti and Mr. Swapna secured first, second and third position respectively. In Picture Manipulation Competition, Mr. Raman Jain won the first prize and Mr. Jayan Lochab and Mr. Yash Bansal bagged the second and third prize respectively. In Practical Algorithm Game, Mr. Pankaj won the first prize, Ms. Amisha got the second prize and Mr. Vipul won the third prize. Ms. Roshni, Mr. Abhilask and Mr. Manav received the first, second and third prize in Web Page Designing Competition. Ms. Anjali, Mr. Dhawal and Ms. Mansi Suthar bagged the first, second and third prize respectively in Poster Making Competition. In Logo Designing Competition, Ms. Mansi Suthar won the first prize, Ms. Akanksha won the second prize and Mr. Satvik Aggarwal won the third prize. In Quiz competition, Mr. Ridham Bhat secured the first position, Ms. Richa got the second prize and Mr. Shivam Bhat won the third prize. In portfolio designing competition, Mr. Sahil Goyal, Mr. Vishal Vats and Ms. Nikita Jain showed their talents with first, second and third prizes respectively. In each of the events, three cash prizes and two consolation certifications have been drawn. Participation certificates were given to all the participants who put their best efforts in the competitions and made the event a grand success.