About Youth Red Cross Society

Formation of Red Cross

The famous quote said by Jean Henry Dunant “By Thy power, let there be peace, O God!” after witnessing the battle Solferino, lead to the formation of Red Cross Society. Every tree grows from a small seed likewise the Red Cross society grown like a tree in stages. Initially an International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was formed to serve throughout the world to protect and assist victims of armed conflicts and strife.

Indian Red Cross Society

The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) was established under the provision of section 8 of the IRCS Act XV of 1920 with its National Head Quarters in New Delhi. The core focus of IRCS is to promote Humanitarian Principles and Values, Disaster Management, Health and Care in Community and Blood Services.

Key activities under Youth Program

  • Trainings to selected teachers and students on Red Cross, Youth program activities as well as on Hygiene Promotion, Water & Sanitation and First Aid.
  • Initiation of preparation of visibility activities (wall paintings, posters etc) and printing of behavior change communication material etc.
  • Initiation of behavior change communication sessions in communities on WASH, First Aid and Health.
  • Celebration of special days in school/ college and branch levels with focus on increasing community awareness on Red Cross and Health issues, e.g. – World Red Cross Day, World Health Day, World Water Day, World Health Day, World Malaria Day, International Youth Day, International FA Day, World Toilet Day.
  • Exposure visits of selected Community members/J/YRC Members to other villages to observe community development approaches.
  • Initiation of Providing WASH materials (e.g. water filter, soap) and FA Kits and FA Posts in the communities as per need.
  • Initiation of clean school/college- Healthy school/college and clean village- Healthy village campaigns.