Accredited A+ Grade By NAAC


NIRF Rankings 2024: Engineering (Rank: 151-200)

Prof. (Dr. Atul Mishra


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About Department

It has always been a nursery of computer engineers catering to the needs of the industry of the nation in general and NCR region in particular. In 2002, consciously, the department started a PG program in computer engineering with a vision to produce conceptually correct teachers. No wonders that most faculties of surrounding engineering colleges is an alumni of YMCAUST. The world since recent times had been amazingly fast and fiercely competitive in all spheres of human activity. The said situation called for massive expansion of career focused education, particularly in emerging areas of information technology. The hallmark of the department is research. It has 25 PhD and the remaining are putting their best efforts in exploring new areas.There is strong group of aspirants who interestingly work in the field of internet technologies. Another group is effectively engaged in software engineering and MANETS. The department especially the faculty members take pains to shape the character of our students with consistent effort towards sincerity, punctuality, honesty and hard work. This ultimately play a pivotal role in their prosperous future and in becoming valuable citizens of the country.


To provide the future leaders in the area of computer engineering and information technology through the development of human intellectual potential to its fullest extent. To enable the students to acquire globally competence through problem solving skills and exposure to latest developments in IT related technologies. To educate the students about their professional and ethical responsibilities. To ensure continuous interaction with the industry and academia through collaborative research projects.


The department aims to make a place at both national and international level by producing high quality ethically rich computer engineers conversant with the state-of-the-art technology with the ability to adapt the upcoming technologies to cater to the ever changing industrial demands and societal needs. It endeavours to establish itself as a centre of excellence by contributing to research areas having IT impact on the people’s life and nation’s growth.


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