
List of Journals subscribed in library:

  • Asian Journal of Management Cases
  • BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies
  • Business Perspectives and Research
  • Current Science
  • Decision
  • Defence Science Journal
  • DESIDOC: Journal of Library & Information Technology
  • Education Law Cases
  • Finance India
  • Foreign Trade Review
  • Global Business Review
  • Harvard Business Review
  • IETE Journal of Education
  • IETE Journal of Research
  • Indian Geotechnical Journal(I)
  • Indian Horticulture
  • Indian Journal of Chemistry
  • Indian Journal of Engineering & Material Science
  • Indian Journal of Finance
  • Indian Journal of Marketing
  • Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry
  • Indian Journal of Animal Science
  • Indian Journal of Forestry
  • Indian Journal of Microbiology
  • Indian Journal of Physics
  • Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
  • Indian Journal of Small ruminants
  • International Journal of Rural Management
  • International Journal of System Assurance Engineering & Management
  • Journal of Creative Communications
  • Journal of Environmental Biology
  • Journal of Human Values
  • Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
  • Journal of Indian Society & Remote Sensing
  • Journal of Information & Knowledge (SRELS JL of Inf. Mgt.)
  • Journal of Institution of Engineering: Series A
  • Journal of Institution of Engineering: Series C
  • Journal of Optics
  • Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research
  • Journal of Structural Engineering
  • Journal of the institution of Engineers ( India): Series B
  • Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technology
  • Media Watch
  • Medicinal Plants- International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related industries
  • Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
  • Proceedings of National Academy of Sc(A) Physical Science
  • Science Technology & Society
  • SEDME (Small Enterprises Dev., Mgt. & Ext. Journal)
  • South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases
  • South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
  • Studies in Microeconomics
  • University News
  • Vikalpa
  • Vision