List of Journals subscribed in library:
- Advances & Applications in Fluid Mechanics
- Advances in Computational Sc. & Tech
- Advances in Wireless & Mobile Comm.
- Asian JL. of Mgt. Cases
- BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies
- Business Perspectives and Research
- Current Science
- Decision
- Defence Science Journal
- DESIDOC JL of Lib & Inf Tech.
- Education Law Cases
- Finance India
- Focus: JL of Inst Business
- Foreign Trade Review
- Global Business Review
- I Manager JL on Computer Sc.
- I Manager JL on Electronics Engg.
- I Manager JL on Future Engg & Technology
- I Manager JL on Image Processing
- I Manager JL on Instrumentation & Control Engg.
- I Manager JL on Material Sc.
- IIMS JL of Management Science
- Ind JL of Chem (Part A)
- Ind JL of Pure & Applied Physics
- Ind. JL of Advance in Computer & Inf. Engg.
- Ind. JL of Advance in Knowledge Engg & Comp. Sc.
- Ind. JL of Advance Software Engg. & Tech.
- Ind. JL of Advanced Material Sc.
- Ind. JL of Advances & Fluid Mechanics
- Ind. JL of Advances in Electrical Engg.
- Ind. JL of Applied Computational Intelligence & Soft Comp
- Ind. JL of Electronic Circuits Devices & Systems
- Ind. JL of Electronics & Microcircuits
- Ind. JL of Embedded System in Engg. Research
- Ind. JL of Industrial & Production Engg & Tech.
- Ind. JL of Inf. & Comp. Sc. Tech.
- Ind. JL of Manufacturing Systems Research
- Ind. JL of Neural Networks & Techniques
- Ind. JL of Wireless & Mobile Comm.
- Ind. Management
- Indian JL of Advances in Computer Sc. & Engg.
- Indian JL of Chem (Part B)
- Indian JL of Computer & Internet Security
- Indian JL of Computer Sc. & Engg.
- Indian JL of Electrical Engg. & Research
- Indian JL of Electronic & Electrical Engg.
- Indian JL of Engineering & Material Sc.
- Indian JL of Finance
- Indian JL of Industrial Relations
- Indian JL of Marketing
- Indian JL of Physics
- Indian JL of Power & Energy Systems Engg.
- Indian JL of Speech & Language Processing
- Int. JL of Applied Engg. Research
- Int. JL of Banking Risk & Insurance
- Int. JL of Computational Intelligence Research
- Int. JL of Computer Sc. & Inf. Engg.
- Int. JL of Computer Sc. & Knowledge Engg.
- Int. JL of Computer Sc. & Software Tech.
- Int. JL of Computer Science & Communication
- Int. JL of Control Theory and Applications
- Int. JL of Distributed & Cloud Computing
- Int. JL of Dynamics of Fluids
- Int. JL of Electric Power System & Energy Conv.
- Int. JL of Electric Power System Research
- Int. JL of Electrical and Computer Engg.
- Int. JL of Engg. & Mgt.
- Int. JL of Engg. Research & Tech.
- Int. JL of Entrepreneurship & Mgt Research
- Int. JL of Fluid Mechanics
- Int. JL of Fuzzy Systems & Rough Systems
- Int. JL of Information Technologies
- Int. JL of Leadership
- Int. JL of Materials Sc.
- Int. JL of Mechanics and Solids
- Int. JL of Networks and Applications
- Int. JL of Power Engg & Energy Conversion
- Int. JL of Power Engg.
- Int. JL of Power Engg. & Green Tech.
- Int. JL of Power Quality
- Int. JL of Power System & Power Electronics
- Int. JL of Power System Optimization
- Int. JL of Reliability, Quality and Operations Mgt.
- Int. JL of Rural Management
- Int. JL of System Assurance Engg & Mgt
- IUP JL of Applied Finance
- IUP JL of Management Research
- IUP JL of Mechanical Engg.
- JL of Analysis & Computation
- JL of Electronic Networks Devices & Fields
- JL of Indian Inst. of Science
- JL of Indian Society & Remote Sensing
- JL of Inst of Engg.- C
- JL of Inst of Engg.-B
- JL of Inst of Engg-A
- JL of Mgt Research and Analysis
- JL of Microwave Science & Technology
- JL of Optics
- JL of Rural & Industrial Development
- JL of Scientific & Industrial Research
- JL of Scientific Temper
- JL of Smart System & Technology
- JL of Structural Engg.
- JL of Vibration Engg & Tech.
- JL of Wireless, Networks & Microsystem
- JL. of Creative Comm.
- JL. of Human Values
- Management Review
- Media Watch
- Prabhandhan: Ind JL of Mgt
- Proceedings of National Academy of Sc(A)Physical Sc.
- Sc. Tech. & Society
- SEDME (Small Enterprises Dev., Mgt. & Ext. Journal)
- South Asian JL. of Business and Mgt. Cases
- South Asian JL. of Human Resources Mgt.
- SRELS JL of Inf. Mgt.
- Studies in Microeconomics
- University News
- Vikalpa
- Vision