
List of magazines subscribed in library:

  • Business India
  • Business World
  • Career 360
  • Competition in focus
  • Competition Refresher
  • Competition Success Review
  • Corporate India
  • Current Affairs
  • Data Quest
  • Digit
  • Down to Earth
  • Economic & Political Weekly
  • Electronics for You
  • Forbes India
  • Fortune
  • Front Line
  • General Knowledge Today
  • Hans
  • Healthcare
  • Indian Today(Hindi)
  • Indian Today(English)
  • Lonely Planet
  • Open Source for You
  • Outlook
  • Partiyogita Darpan, Hindi
  • Partiyogita Darpan, English
  • PC Quest
  • Physics for You
  • Reader Digest
  • Sports Star
  • The Week
  • Voice and Data
  • Kurukshetra Hindi
  • Kurukshetra English
  • Yojna English