Accredited A+ Grade By NAAC


NIRF Rankings 2024: Engineering (Rank: 151-200)

Dr. Shilpa Sethi


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About Department

The Computer applications Department aims to make a place at both national and international level by producing high quality ethically rich computer application engineers conversant with the state-of-the-art technology with the ability to adapt the upcoming challenges in information technologies and their applications to cater to the ever changing industrial and societal needs. It is committed to provide a supportive, friendly and challenging learning and research environment. Moreover, it endeavours to establish itself as a centre of excellence in teaching and research to produce skilled human resource for sustainable nation’s growth and having technological impact on the people’s life. Part of our mission is to enable the students to acquire globally competence through developing their problem solving skills and exposure to latest developments in area of computer application and information technologies. The department offers Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), B.Sc. Animation & Multimedia, M.Sc. Animation & Multimedia and Master of Computer Applications (MCA) programmes. The programmes are designed to provide a core Computer applications foundation, as well as concentration courses that will equip learners with the necessary technical and research skills needed in industry and academia. The department has a team of passionate academic staff with a wide range of research interests. The faculty members of the Computer Applications Department have very strong academic credentials. The department has 05 doctorates degrees from outstanding institutions and they are very active in research. The faculty has commitment and dedication for teaching and providing a good learning environment for the student growth. Keeping this in the view the department regularly organizes various seminars, conferences and workshop etc., with the funding from various agencies for the benefit of faculties and students in the area of computer applications.


To provide the future leaders in the area of computer application and information technology through the development of human intellectual potential to its fullest extent. To enable the students to acquire globally competence through developing their problem solving skills and exposure to latest developments in area of computer application and information technologies. To educate the students about their professional, social and ethical responsibilities.


The department aims to make a place at both national and international level by producing high quality ethically rich computer application engineers and IT professionals conversant with the state-of-the-art technology with the ability to adapt the upcoming challenges in information technologies and their applications to cater to the ever changing industrial and societal needs. It endeavours to establish itself as a centre of excellence in teaching and research to produce skilled human resource for sustainable nation’s growth and having technological impact on the people’s life.


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