Accredited A+ Grade By NAAC


NIRF Rankings 2024: Engineering (Rank: 151-200)

Dr. Renuka Gupta

Chairperson and Associate Professor

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About Department

The Department of Environmental Sciences is committed to impart technical education in most efficient manner to produce technologically adept post-graduates and researchers, that can address emerging challenges to sustainability for the betterment of society. It came into existence in the year 2018. The department follows industry- focused curricula and strives to sensitize and train young students in the frontier areas of applied fields. It is committed to providing an excellent educational and research experience by working in various fields of education, research and organizes outreach programmes in collaboration with national and international fraternity. The department has State-of-the-Art laboratories for providing a feel of the industrial work environment to the students. At present the department is offering M.Sc. in Environmental Science, Ph.D. program and PG Diploma in Waste Management (PGDWM). It also supports the other Engineering, Science as well as Humanities department of the University by teaching mandatory Environmental Sciences courses at graduate level. With continuous development and expansion of its scientific infrastructure and academic faculty, the department aims to become one of the shining beacons of the University and the nation in future.


To impart training for capacity building to tackle various environmental challenges in a sustainable manner. To provide holistic education to develop environmental leaders, policymakers, and solution seekers. To provide interdisciplinary and transformative research in the field of Environmental Sciences To provide technological exposure to the students through industrial training programs. To promote outreach activities for public awareness and societal benefit.


A department that can effectively harness its multidisciplinary strength by imparting in-depth knowledge of scientific, technical, legal, and social aspects of the environment to produce technologically adept environmental engineers, post-graduates, and researchers, that can address emerging challenges to sustainability for the betterment of society.


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