Student Corner

SAE Club

Mechnext Club (Saksham Vol. 1 & Vol. 2)

Project & Training

The students undertake project as a compulsory part of curriculum in VIII Semester. Under this, the area of expertise of faculty members is communicated to the students. The students then chose their relevant areas and get attached to the faculty members for the whole semester. They discuss their work on regular basis with their mentors. During this process they give two presentations which include the working prototypes to get their work reviewed. Feedback is given to them which is an iterative process. At the end of the semester, a final showcase of the project is done in front of an external examiner and they are grilled for the work undertaken.

Through the projects that the students undertake, they get a fair chance to demonstrate their skills and knowledge of the engineering principles they have learned during the program. They are allowed to work in a team according to the need of the problem chosen. During the lifetime of the project, they also learn to work and adhere to the principles of team building, showcasing their leadership skills as well as they learn to manage their projects in the multi-disciplinary environment. They are able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation for which they keep getting the feedback from their mentors chapter-wise. They also learn to give and receive clear instructions.

Also, while developing the project which is the hands-on practical work that they carry, they are constantly guided to stick to the work ethics and adhere to the professional commitments. Some of innovations recognized by outside agency are:



Names of


Faculty Incharge





Solar Operated Screw Jack

Sonu Yadav,  MM-275-2K13

Dr M. L. Aggarwal

Merit certificate in National Innovation, held at NIT Bhopal



Compressor control of a transcritical cycle in mobile air conditioning system.

Raghav Ahuja    M-438-2K10,      Sunil Bakshi     M-461-2K10,    Hitesh Dhingra M-400-2K10,  Daksh Dhingra

Dr Arvind Gupta

Rs.51000/- to a group of B.Tech student by Danfoss India(P) Ltd.for II position in India



Disaster Management Vehicle for BAHA Event at Indore

B.Tech Students of SAE club

Dr Vasudev Malhotra

22nd  position in India



Innovative vehicle for ATV Championship at Bhuvneshwar

B.Tech Students of SAE club

Dr Vasudev Malhotra

18th  position in India



Innovative vehicle for BAJA Event at Championship at Indore

B.Tech Students of SAE club

Dr Vasudev Malhotra

1st   position in India in documented and cost effective car. A cash prize of Rs. 1.2 lacs was awarded.



Smart Refrigerator

Archit, M- 1667-2k13, Ajay, 1656,Amit Singh, 1661, Amit Kumar,1659, Ankush Kashyap, 1664,   Gurveer Singh, 1680, Akash Aggarwal, M-1651-2k13

Dr Arvind Gupta

Rs.75000/- as UG Innovator Award by Danfoss India(P) Ltd. for II position in India

June, 2017


Students Club/Chapters


Mechnext club:

Mechnext is a technical activity club for Mechanical Engineering students of YMCA University. The club was established in 2008.This club aims for the overall development of the Mechanical Engineering students through organisation of number of technical/non-technical activities.

Faculty Coordinator: Shri Sanjay Kumar

Student Coordinator: Davinderpreet Singh

Events organised by the students


Title of Event




Hovercrafts can run on any surface and it is very complicated project for 1st year students but many students after the workshop which was provided by the club came forward and make their hovercrafts. .


Grand Prixx


In this event, the participant has to use his creative mind to create a remote controlled wired or wireless machine that can cross over an artificial path passing through some hurdles and obstacles. 




It’s a football play between the robots.The areana of football ground has prepared by hardwork of students and wired and wireless robots have  asked to goal the ball in opposite team goal.




Tejas tests the aeronautics skills of the student.It judge how much a participant known of basic knowledge and can apply to practical life. It comprises of two events water rocketry and glider testing.




Mastermind is a technical quiz in which the participants  shows their technical knowledge. The quiz has 3 rounds such as  subjective round,  pass round and the final round .



Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Chapter :

The following activities have been performed under this chapter: 

  • Members of this Club participated in All India competitive event with self-design and fabricated vehicle at Indore in 2015 and secured 18th
  • Members of this Club participated in All India competitive event with self-design and fabricated vehicle at Bhuvaneshwar   in 2016 and secured 22nd
  • Members of this Club participated in All India competitive event with self-design and fabricated vehicle at Indore in 2017 and a prize of 1.2 lac was awarded.
  • Conducted a two day workshop on overhauling of 4 stroke engines of two wheelers in partnership with Hero Honda.
  • IGBC Student Chapter launched on 8 Feburary 2017 and seminar regarding presentation of IGBC was organised.
  • Opening of ASHRAE (American society of heating, refrigerating and air conditioning engineers) Indian chapter on 4 March 2017.


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